
Tennessee has some advantages over Kentucky. Backward tax policy isn’t one of them.

January 27, 2023 5:40 am

The popularity of country music helped fuel Nashville’s boom. Ryman Auditorium was home to the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974. (Getty Images)

Maybe some Kentucky Republicans are right: we do need a wall along our southern border.

Otherwise all those poor and middle class Tennesseans who want to avoid their state’s high sales taxes will keep coming up here and crowding our stores.

Who can blame them? Tennesseans now pay state and county sales taxes as high as 9.75%
on virtually everything. Unlike in Kentucky, basic groceries also are taxed, but at a
slightly lower rate.

Of course, I’m being facetious about a border wall. We love for Tennesseans to spend
money in Kentucky. The more the better.

Tennessee does have Dolly Parton. And, says Tom Eblen, an inequitable tax system that Kentucky Republicans are eager to replicate. (Photo by Terry Wyatt/Getty Images)

But it begs the question of why Tennessee has the second-highest sales tax in the nation,?topped only by Puerto Rico. The answer: unlike Kentucky and 40 other states, Tennessee?has no income tax. What difference does that make? A lot, depending on who you are.

Income taxes put a larger share of the burden for funding government services on wealthy?people, because they earn more money. Sales taxes put more of the burden on poor and?middle-income people, who spend a larger percentage of their incomes. The Institute on?Taxation and Economic Policy ranks Tennessee’s tax system as the nation’s sixth-most
inequitable, while Kentucky is ranked 25th.

Republican lawmakers keep talking about how they want to make Kentucky’s tax system?more like Tennessee’s. And they’re working hard to do it. In 2018, they flattened the?income tax rate and added new taxes on services, creating a windfall for wealthy people?and raising taxes for 95 percent of Kentuckians. People earning between $55,000 and?$92,000 a year saw the biggest tax increases, according to an analysis by the Kentucky?Center for Economic Policy.

Last year, Republican supermajorities in the General Assembly passed legislation to?gradually reduce the income tax, while adding new sales taxes on goods and services. This
year, they plan further income tax cuts that will significantly reduce state revenues.

These changes could do serious damage to public services once all the temporary federal
pandemic relief money is gone. You can bet more and higher sales taxes are in your future.

The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, which spends more money than anyone else
lobbying the General Assembly, is all-in on these tax changes. In a recent op-ed column,
Chamber President Ashli Watts argued that cutting the income tax would create economic
growth — just look at Tennessee!

Watts didn’t cite any evidence for her claim. There is none. In fact, the evidence points in
the other direction, as Pam Thomas of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy pointed out
in an op-ed column.

Thomas noted that Tennessee does have some economic advantages over Kentucky, but
they have nothing to do with tax policy. East Tennessee has the nation’s most-visited
national park and a huge Smoky Mountains tourism industry. (Because the Smokies have
no coal, they haven’t been strip-mined like so much of Kentucky’s Cumberland Mountains.)

Also, the popularity of country music has helped fuel Nashville’s economic boom.

There is another big contributor to Tennessee’s economic growth that doesn’t get much
attention. It’s something I learned about while living in Nashville and Knoxville in the
1980s as a reporter for The Associated Press and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.?Tennessee has received billions upon billions of dollars’ worth of federal infrastructure
investment over the past century — far more than Kentucky.

Congress created the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1933 to build dams that reduced
disastrous flooding, improved river navigation and provided cheap electricity that
attracted new industry. TVA added coal-fired power plants in the 1950s that kept
electricity cheap. (And, as a byproduct, encouraged strip-mining that devastated large
swaths of Kentucky.)

Even though TVA’s power rates have risen since the 1980s because of mismanaged nuclear
plant construction, Tennessee has big energy advantages over states like Kentucky that
have been powered mostly by investor-owned utilities.

During World War II, the federal government put a national research laboratory, a nuclear
weapons plant and a uranium enrichment plant at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Those facilities
and their offshoots remain among metro Knoxville’s largest employers.

Another World War II legacy is Fort Campbell along the Tennessee-Kentucky border. The
Army base now supports nearly 100,000 soldiers, their family members and government
contractors. While Fort Campbell has been good for Hopkinsville, it has been much better
for Clarksville, Tenn.

Tennessee is well endowed with interstate highways, the modern corridors of commerce.
That’s no accident of geography. One of the biggest champions of the National Interstate and
Defense Highways Act of 1956 was Sen. Albert Gore Sr. of Tennessee, father of the future
vice president.

State after state has found that the best way to create economic growth is to invest in
critical infrastructure and human capital through better?education and health care. Shifting
the tax burden from wealthy people to everyone else has never created broad-based
prosperity —?not even in Tennessee.

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Tom Eblen
Tom Eblen

Tom Eblen is a former columnist and managing editor for the Lexington Herald-Leader and a member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame.