
Daniel Cohan

Daniel Cohan

Daniel Cohan is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rice University. His research specializes in the development of photochemical models and their application to air quality management, uncertainty analysis, energy policy, and health impact studies. He received a B.A. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University, a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Chemistry from Georgia Tech, and served as a Fulbright Scholar to Australia. Dr. Cohan is a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER young investigator award and was a member of the NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team. He is an author of over 50 peer-reviewed publications and the book, Confronting Climate Gridlock: How Diplomacy, Technology, and Policy Can Unlock a Clean Energy Future.


Why do gas stoves matter to the climate — and the gas industry?

By: - January 20, 2023

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.? Gas stoves are a leading source of hazardous indoor air pollution, but they emit only a tiny share of the greenhouse gases that warm the climate. Why, then, have they assumed such a heated role in climate politics? This debate reignited on Jan. […]