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Gas-well cleanup opens 513 acres in Rockcastle River Wildlife Management Area to the public

By: - January 3, 2023 2:06 pm

Gas well remediation has opened more of the Rockcastle River Wildlife Management Area to the public. (Photo by Toby Baker, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources_

Federal funding to plug abandoned oil and gas wells has opened 513 acres in Pulaski County to hunters, anglers, wildlife watchers and other nature lovers, according to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.

The land, part of ?the Rockcastle River Wildlife Management Area (WMA), is newly accessible to the public ?thanks to an environmental remediation project that addressed safety concerns related to 18 orphaned gas wells.

When a $25 million federal grant to cap orphan wells — part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law — was announced in August, the Division of Oil and Gas estimated that up to 700 of approximately 14,000 orphaned oil and gas wells in Kentucky could be capped through the initial funding, according to a release from Fish and Wildlife.

The Lantern reported last month that a lack of bidders for the remediation work is increasing costs.

Interested contractors are encouraged to bid through the Finance Cabinet on “packages” of orphan wells identified by the Division of Oil and Gas as eligible for this program. Information on the program and how to apply can be found on the Division of Oil and Gas website.

Since the Rockcastle River WMA opened in 2017, two portions of the property, 119 acres along Acorn-Ano Road and 394 acres along Buren Turner Road, had been off limits to public use because of safety concerns associated with orphaned gas wells.

The news release from Fish and Wildlife says:

The project, funded by Gov. Andy Beshear’s Better Kentucky Plan, which includes $25 million in grant funds through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to plug abandoned or “orphan” oil and gas wells across the commonwealth, plugged 18 wells on the two tracts, allowing hunters, anglers, wildlife watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts access to the entire 2,924-acre WMA.

Engineering and Wildlife Division staff from Kentucky Fish and Wildlifepartnered with personnel from the state Energy and Environment Cabinet’s Division of Oil and Gas to plug the 18 gas wells.

“We appreciate the partnership of the EEC’s Division of Oil and Gas to assess site needs, secure federal funding, oversee contractors to perform the needed remediation work, and work with our staff to ensure the affected vicinities were rendered safe to access by the public,” Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Rich Storm said.

“State-owned wildlife management areas such as Rockcastle River WMA not only protect land and provide vital habitat for Kentucky’s natural heritage in perpetuity, they support jobs and infuse cash into local businesses from hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers who recreate there. Each acre of public hunting land returns more than $182 per year on average in economic benefits to Kentucky’s communities.”

Rockcastle River WMA is one of 61 WMAs statewide owned or co-owned by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. The previous owner managed the property for fishing and hunting.

Visitors to the WMA will find it primarily forested with abundant wildlife. About 30 percent is open land and ideal for small game hunting and bird watching. Several ponds ranging from half an acre to almost 6 acres are scattered across the property and offer opportunity for anglers.

Hunters and anglers are encouraged to consult the hunting and fishing regulations summaries, available on Kentucky Fish and Wildlife’s website (fw.ky.gov) and wherever licenses and permits are sold, for regulations in place on the WMA.

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife has updated its signage on the ground, as well as the WMA map available online at fw.ky.gov in preparation for the opening of the additional acreage.

“Completion of this orphaned gas well-plugging project on Rockcastle River WMA is a big win for hunters and other outdoor recreationists,” said Ben Robinson, Wildlife Division director for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife.?“More than 500 acres of the area, which previously had to be excluded from public use because of safety concerns, can now be opened.?It is also eliminates the potential for public confusion about portions that can’t be used for recreation.”

When the $25 million federal grant was announced in August, the Division of Oil and Gas estimated that up to 700 of approximately 14,000 orphaned oil and gas wells in Kentucky could be capped through the initial funding,

Interested contractors are encouraged to bid through the Finance Cabinet on “packages” of orphan wells identified by the Division of Oil and Gas as eligible for this program. Information on the program and how to apply can be found on the Division of Oil and Gas website.

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